Sweet Roasted Beet Salad with Goat Cheese Parfait

Yield: 1 Servings
4md(1 pound) unpeeled beets, scrubbed
1tbOlive oil
1 1/2cSoftened goat cheese
2tbChopped fresh tarragon, blanched in boiling water for 10 seconds, drained and rinsed under cold water
2tbChopped fresh parsley
2tbChopped fresh chives
1tsChopped fresh thyme
Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
3cMesclun greens
Walnut Dressing, as needed
1smBeet, scrubbed and cut into julienne, for garnish
1/2cWalnut halves, lightly toasted, for garnish (see Note)
1c(4 ounces) walnuts, lightly toasted (see Note)
1/2cSherry vinegar
2tbMinced shallots
2tsFine sea salt
1/4tsFreshly ground black pepper
1/2cOlive oil
1/2cImported walnut oil