Warm Quail Salad W Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

Yield: 4 Servings
4Quail; (6-7 oz each)
Salt to taste
The Mansion on Turtle Creek Pepper Mixture, to taste, see recipe
4tbSafflower oil; divided
1/4cChopped onion
1/4cChopped celery
1/4cChopped carrot
1Bay leaf
4Sprigs fresh thyme
1tbCracked black pepper
2cVeal demiglace
1/2smHead Bibb lettuce; leaves separated, rinsed, and dried
1/2smHead radicchio; leaves separated, rinsed, and dried
1/2Peeled carrot; julienned
3Bundles mache lettuce; rinsed well, all grit removed & leaves separated & dried
1/2smHead chicory; yellow leaves only, rinsed, dried, and torn
1/2Bag or bundle enoki mushrooms, cut from stems, optional
2tbSherry vinegar
2tbVirgin olive oil
3tbPeanut oil
Salt; to taste
Honey Mustard Vinaigrette; (see recipe)